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dimanche 29 novembre 2015

ery injection

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[29]jQuery injection

dim, nov 29, 2015


Why jQuery?

It would be an understatement to say that jQuery is useless when it
comes to DOM parsing and AJAX queries. This is indeed a nice and widely
used library and anyone who tried to scrape data from HTML with jQuery
once may have a lot of regrets while returning to XPath*.

So, in order to make your scraping jobs an agreable moment, artoo.js
injects jQuery within the page you are browsing.

But he does it carefully, ensuring that the injection of foreign code
won't trouble the execution of the page you are scraping.

Logic of the injection

The logic followed by the jQuery injection is the following:

1. If jQuery is present on the page in a correct version (superior to
2 by default), nothing is done.
2. If jQuery is not present and if $ is not used by some other
library, a suitable version of jQuery is injected.
3. Finally, if jQuery is present in a wrong version or if $ is used by
another library, jQuery will be injected but won't override the
page's $. jQuery is then be available through artoo.$.

jQuery settings

If you find exhausting to use artoo.$ in pages where artoo thinks he
should not override another $ variable and if you know for sure that
reassigning it won't cause trouble, you are obviously free to do so.
var $ = artoo.$;

You can also force jQuery to override the present $ variable in the
library's [31]settings.

Finally, if you prefer another jQuery version, you can also configure
it in the same [32]settings.

jQuery simulate

In order to be able to trigger complex DOM events as well as a human
would, artoo encapsulates the jquery.simulate [33]plugin.

It is commonly used to perform functionnal testing and ensure that
interfaces are working correctly. But scrapers know it can be useful

jQuery scrape


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